virt-install example with qcow2 disks
qemu-img create -f qcow2 /home/vms/vm-disk/vm-disk.img 20Gqemu-img create -f qcow2 /home/vms/vm-disk/vm-1-disk.img 100Gqemu-img create -f qcow2 /home/vms/vm-disk/vm-2-disk.img 100Gqemu-img create -f...
View ArticleGlusterFS integration with openstack-cinder and openstack-glance (Grizzly)...
Setup GlusterFS server and integrate with openstack-cinder and openstack-glance (Grizzly) : GlusterFS setup:Creating a distributed-replicate gluster volume for cinder# gluster vol create cinder-vol...
View ArticleAdd more GlusterFS integrated OpenStack Cinder nodes
Add more GlusterFS integrated OpenStack Cinder nodes to an existing OpenStack setup.GlusterFS setupContinuing from I...
View ArticleMultiple GlusterFS backend driver integrated with OpenStack Cinder.
Addressing how to configure multiple GlusterFS backend driver to an existing OpenStack setup.Few assumptions:1. that you already have GlusterFS nodes installed.2. that you already have an existing...
View ArticleEncryption using dm-crypt/LUKS on disk served for GlusterFS bricks.
Experiment with Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS) which is a specification for block device encryption. Here we will try to encrypt a logical volume and then have xfs filesystem on it to serve GlusterFS...
View ArticleLaunching a Windows instance in Openstack Grizzly stored on GlusterFS volume...
This blog is about how to launch Windows instance and attach cinder volume to it. For howto integrate Openstack with GlusterFS, refer...
View ArticlefreeIPA integrated with GlusterFS to automount user home directory
freeIPA integrated with GlusterFS so that the user home directories are auto mounted upon login using nfs/glusterfs.Setup IPA Server and ClientInstall freeIPA:# yum install freeipa-server bind...
View ArticleDisaster recovery of VM snapshot store using GlusterFS Geo Replication.
My setup looks like the following:Couple of pre-requisites:1. SELinux booleans are set on both the hypervisors. Geo1 and Geo2 in this example.setsebool -P sanlock_use_fusefs onsetsebool -P...
View ArticleLive virtual machine on GlusterFS geo-replicated volume.
Pre-requisites and Geo-replication configuration are still the same as identified here.Except that geo-replication was configured for vmstore instead of snapstore. I also copied over the virtual...
View ArticleGlusterFS quota on volumes serving virtual machines.
Experiment is to see how virtual machines behave when glusterfs quota is set on a volume which serves virtual machine qcow2 images and limit is exceeded.I create a glusterfs volume and set virt group...
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